Whiston Worrygoose J&I School

Whiston Worrygoose J&I School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Hall Close Avenue, Whiston, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 4AG


01709 541878



At Whiston Worrygoose Primary School we pride ourselves on our inclusive and welcoming learning environment.   Children and their families are at the centre of every decision we make and we aim to work collaboratively with all partners to achieve the best outcomes for our pupils.

Please explore our SEND pages for further information and support.


2023-2024 SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

SEND Local Offer

Useful links for parents and carers


Our SENDCo is Miss C Angell.  She can be contacted on 01709 541878 or directly at c.angell@wwg.wwpat.org to arrange a meeting or telephone appointment.

Our SEND Governor is Mrs V Schofield.  She can be contacted via the school email address:  enquiries@wwg.wwpat.org

The Rotherham Local Offer can be found here: https://www.rotherhamsendlocaloffer.org.uk/