Whiston Worrygoose J&I School

Whiston Worrygoose J&I School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Hall Close Avenue, Whiston, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 4AG


01709 541878

OUR Ethos and Values at whiston worrygoose


Explore. Be Inspired. Learn


This is our school motto. We want our children to explore concepts, ideas and the world around them. We want them to have access to a curriculum that inspires them and encourages them to strive for excellence. Most of all, we want every member of our community to be a learner and we seek to encourage learners to become reflective so they are able to recognise the value of resilience and determination. We are proud to be one of the founding member schools of Whitewoods Primary Academy Trust




OUR 4 C’S;

Child-centred – Our children are at the heart of all we do.

Collaboration – We work collaboratively, learning and supporting each other to maximise the achievement of our children and adults across the trust.

Curiosity – We embrace new learning and promote curiosity in all, always striving to improve, keeping ‘the main thing the main thing’.

Challenge – We set ourselves and our children aspirational targets and are open to professional challenge and support.



All of our children, from any background, will be supported to excel both academically and socially, developing the skills of lifelong learners.

Our Mission

Our schools will be exceptional and provide children and adults with a breadth of exciting opportunities promoting curiosity and broadening the mind.

We will build positive, challenging partnerships with each other and the wider community promoting aspiration and ambition.